Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blue Rain

Andrew.Speight has added a photo to the pool:

Blue Rain

I'm almost positive that I'm starting a 365 tomorrow. I'm scared to because I know it'll be difficult and I won't have time for it. But part of me really wants to. I see how much it can help someone improve, and I want to see where it takes me.
Plus, I'd like to be able to prove to myself that I can do it. Something to work towards.

Unedited apart from the crop. I was in the car on the way to NYC this week and it rained all the way there. Had to take advantage of the drops somehow. So much bokeh!

Anything I do with bokeh now reminds me of JazzyBlue. If you don't know him, check him out. The guy has insane bokeh.

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