Tuesday, January 31, 2012


k_vanoverbeek has added a photo to the pool:


Two reflective umbrellas coming 45 degrees from behind the model, one at 1/8 and one at 1/16, a shoot through umbrella dangling overhead from the top and another reflective umbrella coming from camera left at about 60ish degrees. I believe we had the flash switched off in that one, so we were basically only using it as a reflector to kick back some light from the back flashes into her eyes to spark them a tad bit. We had been using the mini beauty dish before, but since our last victim, uhmmm, model, was this pretty lady we opted for the umbrella from above to make everything nice and soft.

This photo is part of my office door series, where I photograph a group of work colleagues in front of a blueish office door using only small flash.

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