Saturday, March 3, 2012


abe.froman (Matt) has added a photo to the pool:


Created a texture in Photoshop. Imported that as a texture into Blender, and used it to displace the surface of a sphere. From that, I simply arranged duplicate copies, rendered (really large), and brought it back in to Photoshop for post processing (stars, nebula, color & contrast adjustments). It makes me think a little bit of the old Flash Gordon movie. Remember how it had the kingdoms of Mongo as irregular shaped moons scattered about a large area (conveniently filled with atmosphere)?

Then, after messing with it a while - for reasons I cannot explain - I started thinking of forming planets. What if you could seed a gas cloud - similar to how you would seed a rain cloud - to kick start planet formation? Seems like a fun idea for a science fiction story.

There. I've given you the idea. Now give me credit when you make millions off of the book and movie rights. :-D

36in x 58in @ 300ppi; Blender, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop;
full size:

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