Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Window To Her Soul -- The Morrowebb Cotton Mills Co.

Leo Hohmann has added a photo to the pool:

A Window To Her Soul -- The Morrowebb Cotton Mills Co.

I saw you today,
But I didn't recognize you.
They say the eyes are a
window to the soul.

I glanced into yours,
I saw nothing familiar there.
Nothing of the life
that once stirred me
to be your lover.
Only darkness.
Like the final scene
of some tragic film noir.

I thought about re-introducing myself.
Would I be dismissed
with a simple wave of your hand?
What of the intimacy
Long since abandoned?
Bifurcated by oceans of space.
Made lukewarm by time
spent on trivial matters of life.
Withered and dried beyond hope?

Or would I find a spark,
A hint of passion, a trace of light
Deep in the recesses of your soul,
Waiting for my tender touch?
And would I muster the energy
to draw it out of you,
One last time?

© March 30, 2012.
Words and Image are the property of Leo Hohmann.
Please do not use without permission of the author.

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