Monday, April 30, 2012

The Lensmaker

'SomewhereinAK' has added a photo to the pool:

The Lensmaker

I was sitting in the back of the coffee shop, looking along the row of tables against the wall. A woman is seated with her back to me. She has a little dog in her lap that keeps peeking around. The woman is oblivious to this. I decide to make a photo and quietly sit down at the table behind her. I bring the camera up and make the photo. The dog senses something is up and is about to raise the alarm and the woman herself is almost aware that something is up. By then, I've already retreated to my table and the dog calms down. The woman never knew.

A man seated across the aisle watched the whole tableau. He came over and asked about my camera and said he's interested in optics. he's a lens tech at a store that does one-hour eyeglasses. Meet Charles, the lens maker.

Fujifilm X100

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