Saturday, June 30, 2012


Kev Stock has added a video to the pool:


The 1st section of the film signifies the de-humanising effect of war. The central figure is deliberately eroded to depict a loss of personalisation, a degrading of character! The colour remains to portray the reality of warfare. The female role is there to highlight war is no longer secluded to male combatants.
The 2nd part of the film signifies silent film and B/W photography; synonymous with The Great War. The jerky footage and colourless images produced a false interpretation of total war and so no one actually believed the full horror of The Western Front.
The 3rd section of the film is full colour, still silent and a reflective moment. It’s when the sabre rattling has died down and the incompetent armchair generals have shut their mouths. It is dramatic, yet very short; this signifies that although we promise never to forget, we actually only bother to remember our war dead for an average of 70 seconds a year!
The wording All Quiet on the Western Front signifies one of the most powerful anti war films ever made.

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