Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Channel Tunnel - A walk on the wild side !

The Urban Adventure has added a photo to the pool:

Channel Tunnel - A walk on the wild side !

The Ex St Edmunds RC School Boys Attempt To Get to France the cheap way…. by walking!

Despite meticulous planning and emails telling everyone what to bring, you guessed it one of the team forgot a vital piece of kit! ..

This was always going to be a tricky one given the amount of rain we have had recently and it didn’t disappoint. It was fairly dry walking (crawling) along the access shaft but then once into the actual test bore it became apparent that this was going to be an hilarious, if not sticky, adventure. The water was deep, a lot deeper than last time I was down here, almost a year ago this month, and from memory a lot more slippery !

So not that many photos, but a really fun morning out with plenty of laughs, especially at the expense of Mr Owler who managed to get both his feet wet…snigger snigger…

more at www.facebook.com/urbanexploring

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