Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Crater Lake (7/12 July 2012)

Luke Arcellana has added a photo to the pool:

The Crater Lake (7/12 July 2012)

The Crater Lake is part of an active Taal Volcano in Batangas, Philipipnes. It is one of those places that your camera setting can be forgiving. No matter how you mess up the cam chances are you will still get something good. I realized this after the trip. I was so awed by the beauty of this place that I only manage to get a few shots. In any case it was an awesome experience!

This crater lake is on a Volcano Island inside Lake Taal. It is the world's largest lake on an Island in a lake on an island... (make sense? haha)

*This photo is part of a project -- 1 photo a month for one year with the theme "Philippines" Check out the set here.

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