Friday, September 7, 2012

Linear Panorama of an Anonymous Cambridge Building

photojunket has added a photo to the pool:

Linear Panorama of an Anonymous Cambridge Building

This took a lot longer to produce than I'd imagined, more of an experiment than anything else.
It's a Linear Panorama (also - slightly pretentiously - known as a Parallel Motion Panorama): where you move parallel to the subject taking the shots. The positioning of this building (the back of on of the buildings of New Court, Pembroke College) means that you would never be able to get a shot of the whole thing, while a "normal" panorama would give you huge parallax and distortion issues.
This is 36 shots (3 rows of 12) taken at 18mm with my kit lens, the one pedestrian gives a sense of the size of this building. Not perfect by any means, there are a number of perspective errors (in particular the pavement which is now crazy paving) and If I was to do this again I would have a much better idea of what I was doing - like making sure I didn't blow out the sky, less overkill on the processing and more importantly....picking a simpler building ;-)

Really should be seen large.

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