Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Crater Lake (7/12 July 2012)

Luke Arcellana has added a photo to the pool:

The Crater Lake (7/12 July 2012)

The Crater Lake is part of an active Taal Volcano in Batangas, Philipipnes. It is one of those places that your camera setting can be forgiving. No matter how you mess up the cam chances are you will still get something good. I realized this after the trip. I was so awed by the beauty of this place that I only manage to get a few shots. In any case it was an awesome experience!

This crater lake is on a Volcano Island inside Lake Taal. It is the world's largest lake on an Island in a lake on an island... (make sense? haha)

*This photo is part of a project -- 1 photo a month for one year with the theme "Philippines" Check out the set here.

Cotton Belt Route

Ron_Osborn has added a photo to the pool:

Cotton Belt Route


Dan303 has added a photo to the pool:


sunrise 1-08-2012

Peintre de rue

Paul Alexandre MELEIRO has added a photo to the pool:

Peintre de rue


Istanbul Views

Niels Linneberg has added a photo to the pool:

Istanbul Views

Fleurs de RER B

M.Pat has added a photo to the pool:

Fleurs de RER B


toyaguerrero has added a photo to the pool:



T. Pagano © has added a photo to the pool:



©All rights reserved. Using these images without permission is in violation of international copyright laws

New Growth at Colony Farms

Michael Garson has added a photo to the pool:

New Growth at Colony Farms

Photo taken on a walk through Colony Farms Regional Park on April 7th, 2012


Oaks and Coulter has added a photo to the pool:


[La Mia Città] Via Larga

Urca has added a photo to the pool:

[La Mia Città] Via Larga

Jumana Restaurant in Banyan Tree

SangHoon Pak has added a photo to the pool:

Jumana Restaurant in Banyan Tree

in Bali, Indonesia

Colyn beach_shadow walk

Scottdd222 has added a photo to the pool:

Colyn beach_shadow walk

Maui is such a special place, time stands still......

My Son Colyn on the beach, I merged 5 photos together to get this effect of the shadow lingering behind. I took 5 photos of him walking along the beach, then merged them in photoshop, it was a bit tricky as I had to load the image furthest from the lens first, then the next closest, etc.


Phan Hữu Lập Photography !♥ has added a photo to the pool:


Photo and Makeup by Phan Hữu Lập,Hair :Thuỳ Dương,Baballerina:Phạm Quỳnh Châu...-Leica R6.2 Summicron 50 f/2 Uxi efiniti Japan 200,Location:Home Ben Khuat.

Black Fat Boy

harley_bernie has added a photo to the pool:

Black Fat Boy

eine Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Lo (Special) im Stift Sunnisheim in Sinsheim, 2011

Aventuras da bolinha feliz

Bruno Accioli. has added a photo to the pool:

Aventuras da bolinha feliz

Amsterdam Alley

Wameq R has added a photo to the pool:

Amsterdam Alley

I love walking around in Amsterdam, the beautiful alleys and paths. Given the rainy day, it really makes for a wonderful gloomy HDR.

As always, comments/notes/crituques and favourites (just hit F ) will be very much appreciated! For the best view, hit L .

Click here to see the rest of my HDRs (Hyper Dynamic Range Photos)!

Some people who's work I admire are tagged in this picture. Please visit their stream!

Music sounds better with you

mteepee has added a photo to the pool:

Music sounds better with you

1854 / 2012

ikaune has added a photo to the pool:

1854 / 2012

Another Feather

.....fuji.....Terry..... has added a photo to the pool:

Another Feather

Another simple macro that is


hisaya katagami has added a photo to the pool:


Zeiss Ikon planar T2/50

My Umbrella

abhijit chendvankar has added a photo to the pool:

My Umbrella

Blue eye

SaminatorH has added a photo to the pool:

Blue eye

Mode Moda Fashion

Elfbuchenwald has added a photo to the pool:

Mode Moda Fashion

Devonian Falls

JayMilesPhotography has added a photo to the pool:

Devonian Falls

30/52 brisa

kinojam has added a photo to the pool:

30/52 brisa

Old camera's, mcbride museum,whitehorse,Yukon

newelly54 has added a photo to the pool:

Old camera's, mcbride museum,whitehorse,Yukon

Nikon 5100 (3 shots hand held + - 2)

Nicole Weihmann has added a photo to the pool:


_NinjaPenguin has added a photo to the pool:


Radio Flyer

mrbrkly has added a photo to the pool:

Radio Flyer

Dragonflies love to hang onto car antennas.

Misty Tsunami

andrewfuller62 has added a photo to the pool:

Misty Tsunami

I have always loved looking at compressed perspective landscapes taken with telephoto lenses, and it was nice to get the opportunity to be able to capture some of these types of images myself. This was taken from 2/3 of the way up Mt. Wellington here in Hobart, looking down into the foothills below. The valley fogs had rolled in, but up above was bathed in clear skies, allowing me to capture this.

© Andrew Fuller. This image remains the property of Andrew Fuller, and as such, may not be used or reproduced in any form, in part or in whole, without my prior, express permission.

The Tilbury - Woolloomooloo - Sydney

on the water photography has added a photo to the pool:

The Tilbury - Woolloomooloo - Sydney

12-18 Forbes Street Woolloomooloo
Designed by the prominent architects Copeman & Lemont and built in 1921-22

The Tilbury Hotel is locally significant, operating as a hotel on site since its first development in 1868. The first building on site resulted from the construction of Woolloomooloo Bay and the progressive growth of commercial and wharf activities in the area. The current building originates from 1921 and is a reflection of continued activity in the area and the value placed on the hotel’s viability by its new owners, Tooth and Co. Limited. Representative example of an Inter- war Free Classical Style hotel building found in the inner suburbs of Sydney.
Source: Heitage NSW website

214 HOLKHAM St Withburga

jammo_s has added a photo to the pool:

214 HOLKHAM St Withburga

Sitting within the North of the grounds of the picturesque Holkham Hall St Withburga has a very dramatic setting, as you approach the church from the North East it looms above you on a ancient hill, which is composed of sand, the massive church with its impressive south tower complete with slim buttresses and pinnacles and serves as the south porch as well, the church is almost completely rebuilt, the tower being 13th century and the long nave from about the same time, there was a Saxon church here before this one as in the west bay of the nave the remains of an ancient tower were found.

Channel Tunnel - A walk on the wild side !

The Urban Adventure has added a photo to the pool:

Channel Tunnel - A walk on the wild side !

The Ex St Edmunds RC School Boys Attempt To Get to France the cheap way…. by walking!

Despite meticulous planning and emails telling everyone what to bring, you guessed it one of the team forgot a vital piece of kit! ..

This was always going to be a tricky one given the amount of rain we have had recently and it didn’t disappoint. It was fairly dry walking (crawling) along the access shaft but then once into the actual test bore it became apparent that this was going to be an hilarious, if not sticky, adventure. The water was deep, a lot deeper than last time I was down here, almost a year ago this month, and from memory a lot more slippery !

So not that many photos, but a really fun morning out with plenty of laughs, especially at the expense of Mr Owler who managed to get both his feet wet…snigger snigger…

more at www.facebook.com/urbanexploring

Bugle rampante (Ajuga reptans)

photopoésie has added a photo to the pool:

Bugle rampante (Ajuga reptans)

Lamiacée (ex-Labiée) à la tige dressée de 10-30 cm, velue sur deux faces opposées, alternant d'un noeud à l'autre. Feuilles ovales et entières, les radicales en rosette. Fleurs en verticilles axillaires formant un épi terminal feuillé, assez lâche.

Calice à 5 dents en cloche, corolle bleue à tube saillant, muni à l'intérieur d'un anneau de poils. Lèvre supérieure très courte, échancrée, l'inférieure à 3 lobes, le médian plus grand et bifide. 4 étamines saillantes avec anthères à loges divariquées (cf. H des Abbayes).

Autres noms français :Bugle des champs ou faux-pin, Germandrée ivette, Ivette commune, Petite ivette, Yvette (cf. P Fournier). Espèce caractéristique de la strate herbacée des chênaies-charmaies : Carpinion betuli, aux sols plus humides (cf. Guide des groupements végétaux de la région parisienne).

I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me

macsoapy has added a photo to the pool:

I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me

Woman in market

bokage has added a photo to the pool:

Woman in market

An old woman in the Paharganj market.

Vieille ville.

nic( o ) has added a photo to the pool:

Vieille ville.

Stari Grad is one of the oldest towns in Europe and a town on the northern side of the island of Hvar in Croatia. At the bottom of a large bay, its narrow streets, traditional houses of hewn stone, and taverns make this place a beautiful place.

Stari Grad est l'une des plus anciennes villes d'Europe, située sur la côte nord de l'île de Hvar, Croatie. Au fond d'une large baie, ses rues étroites, ses maisons traditionnelles en pierre de taille, et les tavernes font de ce lieu un endroit magnifique.

Stari Grad,


astralkid has added a photo to the pool:


船鉾 - 新町通綾小路下ル / Gion Festival

Active-U has added a photo to the pool:

船鉾 - 新町通綾小路下ル / Gion Festival

Kyoto, Japan.


Michael nuge has added a photo to the pool:


Coombe Abbey Autumn

MarkUK97 has added a photo to the pool:

Coombe Abbey Autumn

Coombe Abbey, Warwickshire Autumn

Sleeping Child

Aperture111 has added a photo to the pool:

Sleeping Child


supermyzo has added a photo to the pool:



Z a i z a f oo N has added a photo to the pool:


Bow man

Keith Allso has added a photo to the pool:

Bow man

This crew member making sure everything is good and no colisions

Scenic Cell Tower

Jeff Briggs Photography has added a photo to the pool:

Scenic Cell Tower

I was enjoying playing around with my new lens and thought the sky looked pretty interesting. I thought it would be an interesting concept to see the beauty of nature with the technology of man mixed in. Whether this is a statement or just something pretty to look at is up to interpretation.

Nikon D80
Nikon 18-70 3.5-4.5G

See my Youtube channel and Blogspot page for photography and Photoshop tips, tricks and tutorials.

**Comments are welcomed and encouraged!**

Join Me:






Hawaii: Fire Dance

emantable (catching up) has added a photo to the pool:

Hawaii: Fire Dance

Dancing Baby Finn

Rooted. has added a photo to the pool:

Dancing Baby Finn

My best take at the lyrics. If they're wrong, close enough. This was super fun to make!

For your enlightenment:

Mike Miller II has added a photo to the pool:

Nikkor AF-S 35mm 1.8G